Scarlet- Aug. 17th

Grade: B-

Scarlet presents the Robin Hood tale with a few twists:
1-Scarlet is a girl in disguise
2-A love triangle between Scarlet, John, and Robin
We know that a number of our Titan's finished this one long before the summer reading list was announced and that most really enjoyed the book.

Posing as one of Robin's thieves, Scarlet is hiding from Lord Gisbourne who is charged with capturing the rabble rousers. Although the people of Nottinghamshire are unaware of Scarlet's true identity, Robin and his men welcome her knife wielding skills into their band. As the Sheriff and Gisbourne close in on the gang, Scarlet and Robin have to decide just how much more involved their relationship can become.

Readers expecting lots of action or a story that focuses on the basic plot of Robin Hood, may find that Scarlet lacks both. We think the author was just using the original story as the setting for a love triangle that she could narrate in a post-Crusade language. And while that does offer a unique take (Robin McKinley and Tamora Pierce fans will love this one) we're not sure we really liked the characters enough to be okay with the lack of adventure. If you are a Robin Hood fan, you've already read everything else, AND you need yet ANOTHER love triangle- you'll love this one. If, however, you are looking for an adventure with the merry band, we suggest you try The King Raven trilogy by Stephen Lawhead.

Next Up: The Kill Order- Aug. 24th

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