Insurgent- May 18th

Grade: A

Insurgent, book 2 in the Divergent trilogy by Vernoica Roth, picks up right where book one stops. If you haven't read the first book or if you have not yet started Insurgent- STOP READING OUR REVIEW RIGHT NOW! Because we are not holding back on spoilers. Oh, and for all of you speed readers out there who kept coming in and asking if we were finished yet, that was absolute torture! But we forgive you. So let's discuss now.

A quick re-cap. Tris has just survived the first coordinated/remote controlled attack on her old faction, Abnegation. In the process, she has lost her mother and killed Wil one of her Dauntless friends. She heads to the Dauntless headquarters to stop the slaughter, masterminded by the Erudite, only to lose her father in a shoot out as she attempts to break into the control room. Once inside, she finds Tobias (aka Four) manning the controls. It's obvious that he, like the majority of the Dauntless, are unaware of their actions since their minds have been hi-jacked by the Erudite leader, Jeanine. Breaking Tobias out of his hallucination, they end the simulation, grab the control program and make their escape.

They can't stay in the city with the Erudite and Dauntless doing their best to take control. Abnegation has scattered and no one really knows where Candor stands. Their best bet, is to hide out in Amity. With Caleb, Peter, Marcus and several other survivors in tow, they make their way out to the country in the hopes that they will be able to re-group and come up with a plan.

Insurgent sheds more light upon how each faction functions and it's relationships with the others. The Factionless also come in to play, having seen the demise of the system early on and introducing us to Tobias' mother who just happens to be their leader.

Several of you have said that it was difficult to stay interested because it becomes so political and you have gotten lost trying to keep everyone's motives in order. But those of you who stuck with it... can you believe the twists and turns?! HOLY COW!

We have a couple of questions for those of you that have finished.

1. Do you trust Tobias' mother? We think she seems an awful lot like President Coin from The Hunger Games.
2. Would you still claim Caleb as your brother knowing he is such a turn-coat?
3. Do you think Tris and Tobias will stay together? She is now in cahoots with Marcus and he has become somewhat of a momma's boy.
4. Any trouble accepting how easy it seemed for Tobias to stroll in (twice) and rescue Tris from her torture sessions with Jeanine? Do you think it could have been part of a bigger plan?

We are confident that the next book will be just as fabulous. And thank you Ms. Roth for not throwing in a love triangle (there should be an annual limit). We'd love to hear your thoughts. You can post here, on our Facebook wall, or pop in and let us know (at least we're open for one more day).

Next up: Bitterblue- May 25th

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