A Million Suns- Jan. 17th

Grade: A

Fantastic! Yep, that's exactly what we said as soon as we turned the final page... until we realized that we'd have to wait a whole year to find out what happens. Despite that fact, we think this second book in the Across the Universe trilogy is even better than the first.

A Million Suns picks up not too long after Elder and Amy have rooted out Orion's murderous plot and stopped Eldest's use of Phydus. Although their intention was to make life better for those on the Godspeed, this new found freedom and ability to 'think' has not made life easier. In fact, a rebellious nature permeates each corner of the ship and a serious mutiny is brewing. Elder must step up and lead the people realizing that not everyone will be happy with his decisions. Amy is still grappling with the constant urge to defrost her parents, but is soon distracted when she learns of yet more secrets left behind by Orion. Each new discovery sheds more light upon the mission, the condition of the Godspeed, and past events. Just when you think that there couldn't possibly be anything more shocking to learn- a HUGE piece of the mystery is revealed- and then the pages dwindle away...

One heck of a cliff-hanger that we both appreciated and HATED at the same time. We're already buzzing with plot line predictions for book three. We're making this one of our first Titan Library Picks for 2012 and patiently starting our countdown to January 2013 and book 3.

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