Anna And The French Kiss- August 15th

Grade: B+

Oh l'amour... it's new, exciting, and sometimes horribly frustrating! We are, of course, talking about the budding romance between Anna and Etienne- not how we feel about Anna and the French Kiss. As far as chick-lit goes, we think this is one of the more interesting ones and even if you aren't really into the romance, the descriptions of Paris are worth the read.

Anna is looking forward to starting her senior year in Atlanta, especially since she seems to be on the verge of capturing her high-school crush. But when her father decides that she will be attending a boarding school in Paris instead, Anna is far from thrilled. Although she struggles to master the language, Anna adjusts quickly to life in Paris and becomes friends with a popular group of students where she meets Etienne St. Clair. Of course, St. Clair already has a girlfriend, but rampant flirting soon begins. Will Anna and Etienne share a kiss or will the dreaded "I like you as a friend" rear it's ugly head?

The usual high school drama ensues as relationships are established, broken, fixed, or destroyed but the real gem in this version is the character of Anna. She's smart and sassy with just enough innocence about being in love to make this book stand out a bit from the rest. It also helps when you have an author with a gift for transporting the reader to a location with the perfect amount of description.

We enjoyed this first novel by Stephanie Perkins and we'll probably pick up her next one: Lola and The Boy Next Door (Sept. 29).  Interested in more chick-lit? Try: Suite Scarlett- Maureen Johnson, How Not To Be Popular- Jennifer Ziegler, Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty- Jody Gehrman, Into The Wild Nerd Yonder- Julie Halpern

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